Freedom To Thrive Time Mastery Audit
Beyond Limits
Corporate Offerings

I Help Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Reclaim Lost time and Profits by Implementing Effective Systems and Processes.

Leading to Greater Efficiency, Joy, Freedom, and Profitability.

Unlock Your Business Potential with My Limited-Time,
Freedom To Thrive Time Mastery Audit!

Transform your productivity, reclaim your time, and boost your profits
Imagine having more time for friends, family, travel, hobbies, or simply rest and relaxation.


My Freedom To Thrive Time Mastery Audit is designed to help business leaders like you reclaim lost time, enhance productivity, and significantly increase profits.


The Beyond Limits program aims to empower business owners and entrepreneurs by reclaiming their valuable time and boosting their profits through efficient systems and processes. Inspired by principles from "Rocket Fuel," this program combines these principles with personalized coaching to ensure each client can reach their highest potential. This program not only focuses on business growth but also on personal development, helping leaders step into their power and align with their core values.


Beyond Limits Program Benefits.

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Implement systems and processes that reclaim lost time, allowing you to focus on high-impact activities that drive your business forward.

2. Enhanced Business Growth: Achieve measurable growth in your business by applying strategic frameworks and taking decisive actions.

3. Personal and Professional Alignment: Experience a greater alignment between your personal values and professional goals, leading to increased fulfillment and reduced stress.

4. Mindset Transformation: Develop a resilient and growth-oriented mindset, overcoming limiting beliefs( like not having enough time or capital) and fostering a positive approach and solutions to such challenges.

5. By the end of the SoloPreneur Beyond Limits Program, you can expect increased revenue, greater joy in your work, and the freedom to focus on what truly matters in your business and life.

By participating in the Beyond Limits program, business leaders can achieve sustainable growth, enhanced profitability, and a fulfilling life, both personally and professionally.


Corporate Offerings


Full-Day Retreats


A transformative full-day retreat designed to help business leaders reconnect with their purpose, rejuvenate their energy, and align their business goals with their personal values. The retreat includes guided meditations, interactive workshops on joy and freedom in business, and strategies for enhancing profitability and productivity while maintaining a soulful approach.


- Morning meditation, visualization, breath work and intention setting

- Workshops on aligning personal values with business goals

- Group activities for team building and creative problem-solving

- Lunch with a keynote talk- Topic to be chosen by client

- Afternoon session on stress management, work-life balance & creativity

- Closing and reflection


- Up to 30 participants: $5,000

- Up to 50 participants: $8,000

- Up to 100 participants: $12,000

- Additional customization options available upon request.

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Half-Day Retreats 


A focused half-day retreat aimed at providing quick yet profound insights into creating a joyful , productive and profitable business environment. Participants will leave with practical tools and a renewed sense of purpose. 


- Opening meditation, visualization & breathwork 

- Workshop on integrating joy into daily business practices 

- Group exercise on freedom and creativity in the workplace 

- Light lunch and networking 

- Afternoon session on strategies for sustainable profit growth 

- Closing meditation and takeaway reflections 


- Up to 20 participants: $3,000 

- Up to 50 participants: $5,000 

- Up to 100 participants: $8,000 

- Additional customization options available upon request.

Customize Your Package NOW

Three-Day Retreats 


An immersive three-day retreat offering a deep dive into the principles of soulful prosperity. This retreat is designed for business owners who seek a complete transformation in their approach to business, combining personal growth with strategic business development. 


- Daily morning and evening meditations, visualization and breathwork 

- Comprehensive workshops on purpose-driven business strategies 

- One-on-one coaching sessions 

- Team-building activities and outdoor excursions 

- Workshops on advanced stress management and work-life integration 

- Evening bonfires and networking opportunities 

- Final day wrap-up with personalized action plans 


- Up to 20 participants: $12,000 

- Up to 50 participants: $20,000 

- Up to 100 participants: $30,000 

- Additional customization options available upon request.

Customize Your Package NOW

Additional Corporate Offerings

Monthly Workshops


Regular workshops focused on different aspects of soulful prosperity, such as mindfulness in the workplace, joyful leadership, and profit, productivity strategies aligned with personal values.


- Up to 20 participants: $1,500 per month

- Up to 50 participants: $2,500 per month

- Up to 100 participants: $4,000 per month

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Executive Coaching Packages 


Personalized coaching packages for executive teams, focusing on enhancing leadership skills, reducing stress, and fostering a culture of joy and productivity within their organizations. 


- 3-month package: $10,000 

- 6-month package: $18,000 

- 12-month package: $30,000

Customize Your Package NOW

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