Awakening Habit Energy: A Weekend of Soulful Presence

May 14, 2024

This weekend, I dove head first into studying my habit energy. As part of my daily routine, I study, practice, and explore how our automatic patterns shape our lives. Observing and experiencing my habit energy this weekend brought fresh understanding and invigoration to my perspective.  

Habit energy, or what I often call 'autopilot,' is a subtle force that secretly guides many of our daily decisions, mostly without awareness. Most of us make decisions without understanding why, inadvertently designing lives by default. When we pause to recognize and understand this phenomenon, we unlock the potential to redirect our habits toward actions that produce our desired results and nourish our souls.  

As I faced the familiar urge to binge-watch movies, relax, and end my day early this weekend, I confronted a lifelong fear of laziness. This fear has previously led me to feel shame during my downtime, swinging from my usual superwoman persona to being a total couch potato queen. Now, I choose my downtime activities differently. I engage in relaxing activities that matter to me and push me toward my goals, like planting flowers in the garden, cleaning cabinets, organizing my space, and planning a simple, delightful Mother's Day brunch. My habit energy would have me bypass these activities for the couch, and then I would feel like I missed out.

Redirecting my energy towards these meaningful activities turned my weekends and evenings into fun experiences of total presence, where I tap into a profound connection with my power, essence, and creativity. This relaxed engagement approach has enriched my life and supercharged my excitement and enthusiasm for my goals and the upcoming week.  

This shift in how I observe and transform my habit energy revitalized my outlook. Making a decision to expand mindfully rather than passively contract fills me with joy and fulfillment. I am now even more committed to living mindfully, finding joy in mundane tasks like doing dishes or scrubbing cabinets. These actions are integral to building my heaven here on Earth—a life and career filled with joy and worth.  

I share these reflections to inspire a shift in how we handle our habit energy and emphasize the profound understanding of every choice leading us toward greater awareness and growth, which is the path to freedom and true knowing. By directing our  habit energies with intention, we can transform our lives into expressions of our most authentic selves, not just going through the motions.  

As for the insights gained this weekend, I am committed to keeping this renewed perspective at the forefront of my mind to enhance my life and the lives of those I live, love, and work with.  I would love to hear your testimonies of what habitual energies lead your lives and how you are taking your power back. 


Sending love, light, and prosperity your way,

Jenn Maher

Soulful Prosperity Coach

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