Jan 18, 2023


As an empath, I am constantly struggling with the immense and overwhelming emotions of those around me - even in crowds when their feelings may not be obvious. Through empathy, my inner world mirrors that of others, giving voice to what lies deep within us all but is rarely expressed on its own accord. Empathic sensitivity can make interaction both exhilarating and exhausting—for a time, it was difficult to tell which sensations were mine or somebody else's—but ultimately, these connections provide profound understanding beyond words themselves.  

From an early age, I realized the immense burden of emotional labor put upon me. People - even strangers- would come to share their woes and leave me with relief, yet it was at my expense; for every ounce taken drained more life force out of me. For most of my life, I left boundaries blurred and without healthy lines set in place.  

Through difficult times and painful learning experiences, I slowly discovered how powerful creating boundaries could be. As an empath, it can feel challenging to set healthy limits; however, by reinforcing a sense of self-worth, I became better equipped to communicate assertively without compromising the respect I deserve from others. With this newfound strength in place, I can now embrace my gifts as an empathic being while still taking necessary steps toward protecting myself.  

When you don't rely on external circumstances for your happiness, the world is filled with endless possibilities! Give yourself permission to grow beyond what's been holding you back and use each moment as an opportunity - no matter how challenging - to boost self-love. You have all the power within; start discovering it today!  

As I grew in my self-esteem, it became increasingly clear to me that the reactions of others had little to do with my actions and much more with their particular circumstances. No matter how aggressively they expressed themselves, those words and actions were mere windows into their internal struggles.  

With this realization came valuable insight: often, people take out their anger on me simply because I act as a reminder for them, unintentionally igniting deeply rooted emotional traumas within them. This insight allows me to cultivate compassion versus anger or hurt. 

All my experiences have been an essential part of my development and growth. I'm still learning to establish healthy boundaries. It can be difficult sometimes because being firm is necessary for the other person to get it. As a result, I am often perceived as a bitch. However, when I am grounded with compassion rather than hostility - the message goes over well. 

I am doing a Free 30-minute Talk on this ( If this is something you struggle with as well, tune in. I have developed a plan that will be sure to provide you with some relief. 


Your guide to personal and professional transformation,

Jenn Maher

Business Coach and Life Force Strategist 


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