Jan 18, 2023

Dear 2022, 

You were one heck of a year. You even topped record-breaking years, 2021 and, of course, 2020, in terms of struggle These past few years have also been the most productive for my personal growth.  

This is no coincidence. These were not even my most challenging years by far. On the contrary, I have had far worse. The difference is, over these past few years, I started practicing self-care and being antifragile as a way of life. In doing so, I implemented self-care protocols and routines that keep me plugged into the highest version of myself. In addition, I have also implemented living with virtues and behaviors that are the highest version of me exemplified. This keeps me plugged in. 

By taking specific and planned micro-actions daily, I have developed trust in myself, in my capabilities, my heart, my motives, and who I am in the deepest depths of my soul.  

I now know that no matter what, I will not only show up, but I will take the actions needed to get through the challenges that life throws my way, and I will grow through them. I know in my heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit that I will become closer to that highest version of me on the other side of the challenge.  

As Phil Stutz says in his book " The Tools ( I highly recommend you read and watch the Documentary “ Stutz” on Netflix)," Real enthusiasm is passing through the worst and realizing it's the best. Or, as Winston Churchill put it, " Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." And even Robert Emmons, the world's leading scientist on gratitude, tells us to “see the BENEFITS we have received from the most challenging times of our lives”. I have always known this to be true; however, I grew significantly more during the difficult times when I coupled this positive attitude with ACTION. 

Action is key to growth. Cultivating emotional stamina will keep you in action. This means we must be the MOST committed to our fundamentals when we feel our worst- eating, sleeping, moving, breathing. The worse we feel, the MORE committed we are to doing the work. 

With the right mindset, working protocols that plug you into that highest version of you, and emotional stamina, the worst of times become the best. YES, picture yourself chanting, " BRING IT ON ."You will approach rather than avoid the pain and discomfort. When you avoid pain and discomfort, you lose respect for yourself. When you take action, you build faith and trust in yourself.  

Eat your challenges like energy bars!  This builds HOPE. 

Hope means you know you have infinite options available at all times, and you know you have the power to bring these options forward through your actions. So if Plan A doesn't work, No problem..... Plan B, C, all the way to plan AA- ZZ. And beyond. You have infinite options! 

Of course, this formula only works if you have a protocol- we know we need to have these protocols in place to operate at the highest version of ourselves. Can you tell me what your Protocol is? What do you do when you hit a wall in life? Mine are- Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, journaling, reading, and learning. Every morning for a 1-hour minimum and 30 mins in the evening at a minimum. 

When you get this routine down, you will develop FAITH. This faith is not about God swooping in to save you. It is about you taking consistent action and always being plugged into that highest version of yourself, and that is GOD.   

The magic is in the micro wins and the start of mastering your fundamentals and your protocols. These wins and acknowledging them will build the soul force you need to give you the energy you need to move forward regardless of the circumstances. 

And if you fall short (and you will). Take inventory. Start with what you did well, acknowledge this and celebrate it. " That's like me." Then move on to what did not go so well and recognize "this needs work." Do not beat yourself up. Please don’t replay this over and over in your head. Imagine three scenarios where you performed flawlessly and ruminate on that. This moves you from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. You will soon intuitively know that you must make mistakes to grow. You will begin to wear your scars like medals. 

This kind of faith is beautiful. It is falling in love with yourself over and over again.  

God is within us, and using our body and mind to the highest potential is the best kind of devotion.  


Jenn Maher

Business Coach and Life-Force Strategist

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