Jan 18, 2023

There is no doubt that standing up for ourselves and having difficult conversations can be scary and challenging. But I have learned the hard way that it's not nearly as painful or uncomfortable as being taken advantage of or repeatedly making the same mistakes. 

When you live in integrity with your capability, you tap into the faith and trust you have cultivated in yourself. You intuitively become a better, stronger, wiser version of YOU through the process. It's ok to be afraid. Do the next right thing anyway. In fact, this is how we become anti-fragile. This is how we release the hold that fear has over us! 

I have finally landed in a place where I can see the fear. I can observe it, allow it its space, and carry on with my life. 

Self-love is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, and setting boundaries and standing up for ourselves is a massive part of how we do that.  

It can be intimidating to follow through with our knowledge and convictions. Still, fundamental understanding occurs when we live in truth and wholeness. And unfortunately, sometimes, what this looks like from an outside perspective is ill-received. I have experienced this firsthand; while my life has prospered out of knowing I am worth defending, I have also lost many "friends" in its wake. But feeling at peace within myself has far outweighed any moments of uncomfortable discomfort that come with the practice of self-love. Joy and prosperity will follow when you remain firm on your fundamental beliefs - no matter what other people's reactions may be. 

Self-love is essential for creating and upholding healthy boundaries, leading to a life of joy, peace, prosperity, and the knowing that you are enough. Brener Brown's words are perfect. Only when we dare to love ourselves can we determine what is acceptable in our lives and stand firm in our convictions. Self-love requires us to be brave, free ourselves from societal pressures to please others at all costs, and focus on loving our authentic selves. Only then will we find internal contentment with lasting effects. Indeed, daring to set boundaries leaves us more empowered and fulfilled than anything else ever could. 

Embrace the suck :) 


Jenn Maher

Business Coach and Life-Force Strategist

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