Honestly, as of late, I have spent much of my time heartbroken. I cry almost every day. Yes, some situations have happened lately that have hurt me deeply, but it is as if all the heartbreak of my entire 52 years has come to the surface.
This heartbreak has been on the back burner because I have been in survival mode from the day I was born till mid-Pandemic. In survival mode, there is no time to heal.
When the pandemic started, something shifted inside of me in a major way. I shifted out of that survival state of mind and intrinsically began to know that these circumstances were happening to make me a better version of myself. I began to do the work that would change my life and prepare me for the next set of challenges ahead.
I made some major changes to my life. I started to meditate and journal more regularly and now that is a solidified daily routine. I began to eat better and moved my body more; I lost 45 pounds. Most significantly, I quit drinking alcohol because I realized alcohol is what I used to escape the inner voice that was running my life.
When I looked back at old journals, I repeatedly saw that I wished to drink less, meditate more, journal regularly, write a book, master yoga, etc..... but instead, I would choose Chinese food, alcohol, and a movie or three or a binge watch session alone on my couch. I finally was able to see who I actually was. Not the persona that had been created in this survival mode.
This inner voice was a killer of my soul, my energy, and my drive. All of which I now know as my life force.
I have now learned how to become the witness of this voice and counteract its barrage of negativity and what was even worse for me was the apathy it created within.
From the outside, I was someone who when you considered how low I was at some points in my life had noticeable levels of success and even some happiness. A great career and beautiful healthy children will do that for you.
I then realized I needed to stop using the low points of my life as a tool to measure myself and needed to start using my potential as the measurement.
OF COURSE, it felt ok to spend my non-work time drinking and binge-watching TV. I was a miracle, after all, where I came from, to where I was, was perceived as a success. So, it was easy to accept the mediocrity, except that I was meant for more.
I started to realize that to live with integrity, I needed to do the work to reach my full potential. I also realized that life with integrity was the path to true freedom.
I had been in a situation of trying to survive the best way I knew how (in order to be able to care for my children) for a cycle of about 20 years.
While I live with the guilt of knowing I was a hot mess of a mother for the bulk of my children's childhood, I celebrate knowing I was able to teach them how to love and how to survive. I also overcame circumstances that most, could or would not.
Today, I am grateful to be living a life that is a beautiful daily practice in which, even when heartbroken; I am filled with a beautiful, energetic life force that enables me to be present, creative, liberated, knowing, and at ease.
I now know that it is not only time for me to heal my broken heart but to shift into the space that has been waiting for me my entire life. The space of being a healer.
As this healer, I am courageously doing my first 6-week Life Force Workshop.
If you are in a place of sadness, feeling stuck, angry, depressed, anxious, or just blah you will experience a shift in your life force for the better. I promise everyone will get something out of this course.
Go to https://soulful-prosperity.com/workshop to register. Workshops Start Nov 19 & run for 6 Saturday Mornings 8-10 a.m.
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