I want to tell you about how my life was transformed by manifestation, prosperity, and flow.
When I first heard these words buzzing years ago, I had no idea what they meant or how they could apply to me. But then, one day, something clicked - I started studying Life Force and learned the power of conscious creation. That's when everything changed for me.
I shifted my mindset to gratitude and abundance and began taking massive daily action toward my goals. Suddenly, I found myself in a state of flow often - it felt like this magical space where anything was possible if only I allowed it in! And that's precisely what happened: without even noticing, prosperity began showing up everywhere in my life - from new business opportunities to exciting adventures with friends, family, and even solo. Whenever an obstacle appears, a solution is already at my fingertips! This flow state is a blessing that is available to all.
But so many people are still blocked from similar states of being because they're stuck on things outside their control instead of moving forward with hope on the things they can control. Now, more than ever, we must all stay focused on the present moment – after all, that's where the real magic happens! When we choose to live our lives with intention rather than fear, we can truly create miracles out of thin air; this is known as manifesting our reality.
I want to share a quick story to give you an example of being present for the miracles that life has to offer.
After experiencing a tragic event in June 2022, I felt lost and uncertain about launching my coaching business. But I knew I needed to find clarity and assurance for the future. So, I embarked on a solo work retreat trip to the Dominican Republic, hoping that the universe would show me a sign that I was on the right path.
For three weeks, I walked the beach daily, searching for something to give me peace of mind and direction. And then, an incredible moment happened on my last day before leaving. A vast and eloquent beautiful shell appeared on the same beach where I'd been walking every day. I have walked this beach thousands of times and have never seen anything but fragments of shells.
I knew, without a doubt, that this was divine intervention and a clear sign from the universe that I should go ahead and launch my coaching business. However, this shell was more than just a confirmation - it was a reminder to stay present and grateful, to move forward with hope, and to trust that miracles will appear.
I still feel overwhelming gratitude and joy for this miraculous sign.
This experience has convinced me that launching my coaching business was the right decision, and my business is thriving today, less than a year later.
That day, after picking the shell up, I carefully washed it to avoid any spillage of sand to my suitcase. Then, months later, I narrated the tale to my granddaughter, who held the shell next to her ear to experience the ocean's melody, only to be showered with sand, even after cleaning it multiple times. And the joy that swept over her was like what I experienced when I found the seashell. She witnessed the same miracle. It was a beautiful moment of transformation that arose from the flow of gratitude, abundance and hope, thus manifesting prosperity in our lives.
Marianne Williamson, author, spiritual activist, and candidate for the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination, wisely proclaimed that, "The more open your heart, the more miracles you'll receive. For miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. When you choose to love, you choose to work miracles."
In essence, prosperity is a magical state of both love and gratitude, leading to an enchanting flow. Flow is an unwavering, wondrous faith that, come what may, everything is divinely orchestrated. And in this otherworldly state, one can truly manifest their wildest, most magnificent dreams.
Your guide to personal and professional transformation,
Jenn Maher
Business Coach, Implementer & Life Force Strategist
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