Some insist on New Year's Resolutions and advocate annually for a Business Plan, while others dismiss it. Me, I am a hybrid of both. However, I have always found this time of year more about going deep, reflecting, resting and rejuvenating the body and soul.
I have found these profound yet simple truths that guide me to start a new year off right and to continue to evaluate my progress throughout the year.
I. Identify your daily rituals, those small, sacred acts that steadily build the abundance you seek. This isn't just about income; it's about cultivating a life rich in purpose and joy. If you can stay on track with these daily habits, everything else falls into place.
2. Begin now. Each day is a precious opportunity to weave your intentions into reality. The beauty of your year's tapestry is crafted one day at a time. Every day is day one and an opportunity to start over.
Embrace simplicity as your sanctuary. When chaos mounts, gently let go of what doesn't nourish your spirit or contribute to your prosperity. Periodically reflect: How have the last days and weeks been spent? Are they aligned with your deepest intentions? Remember, the unexamined life drifts aimlessly. We aim to build a life by design, not default.
Let your actions be deliberate and mindful, focusing on efforts that bring financial reward and enrich your soul. Spend most of your time in activities where your heart and expertise resonate most.
As for me, I've let go of New Year's Resolutions and Business Plans. My path is deep engagement with the process, trusting the journey rather than being fixated on the destination. This spiritual alignment has not only brought me peace but also tangible success.
Discover your path, honor it with your actions, and walk it with conviction and clarity. May 2024 be a year where you live with success and soulful prosperity.
Happy New Year!
Your guide to personal and professional transformation,
Jenn Maher
Business Coach, Implementer & Life Force Strategist
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