Jan 18, 2023

 I have been spending time daily getting into deep work and creativity. 

Spending a few hours, a day learning and being creative is healing and inspiring. This is a gift I have never been able to give myself.   

I have been in survival mode since I can remember and never made time for creative expression my entire adult life. 

Since I started prioritizing this time for myself, I have written over 4000 words into a new book, done some painting, began a Kundalini Yoga teacher training course, and I have pages upon pages written in my journal. My creative energy has begun to flow again. 

A big part of getting out of survival mode and tapping into my soul force is encouraging this creative side. Giving myself the time and space to explore me because I deserve it, is the deep kind of self-care we all need. The life force energy gets trapped. I know mine was blocked for years. Blocking creative energy closes your mind, and keeps you locked in a restrictive state. Your darkness and your light get trapped. There is no energy, and there is no flow. The energy is there but cannot get in. Or out. We are truly blocked. 

To get unblocked, and into flow set aside sometime each day to focus on your creative projects. It doesn't have to be a lot of time, but it should be uninterrupted time that you can dedicate space to your creativity. Remove all distractions. Make sure you have the right tools and resources available. This might include things like books, pens, paper, paint, or music.  

Allow yourself to be open to new ideas and inspiration. Be willing to experiment with different techniques and approaches. I recently took a writing workshop and wrote this poem. 

The Goddess of the beach 

In my wholeness, I am the goddess of the beach. I am the sunrise, the tide, the sand, the birds, the 

wind, the sunset, and the moon.  

Regardless of my presence. Because of my presence. In spite of my presence. 

I am the witness. I am on the other side of survival. 

I am the wholeness. I am the beach, the sunrise, the tide, the sand, the birds, the wind, the sunset, and the moon. 

I whisper gently into the breeze... Thank you. 

I close my eyes.  

Take a deep breath in. 

Open my heart.  

Release my breath. 

I am home 

I am pretty proud of this poem.  It signifies the end of survival for me and stepping into all the light and space I need and deserve. 

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