It is simple. Investing in your wholeness by doing shadow work could transform your productivity and overall success in business. What on Earth does that mean? Let me explain.
First and foremost, let's define shadow work. Simply put, it is the process of identifying and integrating one's unconscious beliefs, emotions, and behaviors that hinder personal growth and relationships. In other words, it is about acknowledging and embracing the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable, shameful, or unworthy. It might sound scary or uncomfortable, but trust me; it is a profound journey that allows you to reclaim your power and authenticity.
So how does shadow work relate to business? Well, here's the thing- the patterns and limiting beliefs we carry in our personal lives also appear in our professional lives. For instance, if you struggle with fear of failure or imposter syndrome, you might find it challenging to take risks, market yourself, or negotiate deals. In my case, I was so busy burying my shadows that I succeeded despite my shadow rather than alchemizing my shadow into strengths and achieving by being 100% me. In other words, I was in survival mode and going against the grain. My past had much to offer, and I needed to leverage it. I was hiding it. It was exhausting and limited my ability to succeed.
I have struggled with self-doubt and emotional baggage my whole life. As an adult, I tried to run a successful business and be a good Mom while ignoring my emotional needs and deepest desires. I operated from a scarcity mindset, believing success was only possible if I transformed into someone else. I was trying to prove that I was no longer the person from my past. It took me some time to acknowledge that I was suppressing my creativity by avoiding dealing with my past and healing from the trauma.
That's when I decided to dive into shadow work. I hired coaches, read books, found gurus and mentors, and explored my inner landscape. Through journaling, meditation, and reflection, I uncovered some deep-seated beliefs holding me back. For instance, I realized that I feared abandonment stemming from childhood experiences. This fear manifested in my business as a lack of boundaries. I was saying yes to every request, overworking myself, and neglecting my needs. I would then use alcohol as a crutch to deal with my suppressed emotions.
Once I became aware of these patterns, I could work on healing them. I practiced self-compassion, set clear boundaries with clients and family, and prioritized self-care. As a result, I felt more energized, creative, and confident. When I launched my coaching business, I started attracting clients who valued my experiences and were aligned with my values. Most importantly, I found the wholeness I had been missing. I found acceptance for who I am, past and all.
So, you can see how embracing your wholeness is essential for your personal growth and entrepreneurial journey. Shadow work can be a powerful tool to uncover and integrate your unconscious patterns, beliefs, and emotions. Doing so can reclaim your power, authenticity, and creativity. In fact, shadow work has brought me back to the freedom and joy I had as a little girl.
Remember, business success is not only about your skills or resources but also your mindset and inner alignment. So, take the time to invest in yourself, and watch the magic unfold!
Your guide to personal and professional transformation,
Jenn Maher
Business Coach, Implementer & Life Force Strategist
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