Jan 18, 2023

It’s not what you think. It’s what you do. 

Everything you do either expands your sense of what is possible or adds to the feeling that NOTHING is possible, creating a negative mind set. 

Making daily choices that fill your potential by taking in new experiences, connections, having difficult conversations, showing up when you want to stay home, all of these things will open up a higher frequency level in your mind and soul. A level with joy, grace and abundance. 

It’s funny, I have overcome so much in my life and have achieved some levels of success. I thought I had arrived at my potential. I was ok with ending the day with a cocktail or a show instead of pursuing new hobbies or interests. Or learning and reading more. 

Then life happened. I was forced to make a decision to grow or die. In hind sight I know that staying stationary and being complacent is dying. 

Then “bad things” continued to happen and the growth journey became more of an obsession. I finally learned to accept life on life's terms, not as good or bad but more as opportunities to GROW. 

Two plus years later, I gained a new energy of joy, grace and abundance that was lacking and I did not even realize. 

I discovered my life force. I was living life in survival mode with my life force on E, always. 

I have drastically reduced with a commitment of eliminating, actions and choices that drain me. Such as binge watching, scrolling social media, drinking, snacking. This is my personal list and I am sure you have your own. 

I have replaced these actions and choices with things that fuel my life force and that allow me to help as many people as possible, fuel theirs. 

Join me as I document this journey via this blog and ( & from survival mode to bliss. 

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