The Courage to Innovate is not optional.

Feb 22, 2023

It's not always easy to abandon tradition, but the times are changing more rapidly than ever, and change can be necessary for growth and survival. 

You can start by identifying outdated practices by examining your industry and looking internally at your customs that once made sense but now could be irrelevant. 

Like personal growth, reaching out of our comfort zone is essential for businesses to stay current and grow.  

To maximize efficiency and potential, assessing whether existing traditions are still relevant or should be refreshed is essential, as there is potential for significant improvement when focused on innovation.  

A hard look at each practice and discerning if it is necessary or just based on tradition should be done annually. I have seen brilliant and successful business people hinder their growth due to fear of taking a new approach. 

When you let go of dated traditions, you seize the opportunity to push your business into the future. To gain further insight, you could include your staff, customers, and stakeholders in the initial evaluation of improvements if you can handle honest feedback. This could make it easier to identify weak areas and develop innovative ways to revamp your current practices.   

For example, two industries that saw disruption with far-reaching impact on those who were unprepared: Real Estate was disrupted by the rise of third-party platforms like Zillow, and Cab companies felt the profound transformative power of Uber and Lyft on their bottom line. May we all be proactive in heeding warnings and making positive changes in our businesses before they are forced upon us. 

Achieving success in the modern world requires business owners and leaders to break the cycle, break the rules, lose their security blanket, and embrace new technology and relevant trends that can take them from average to extraordinary.  

These trends can include but are not limited to accessibility, leveraging artificial intelligence capabilities in marketing and consumer engagement, engaging with customers through mobile marketing tactics and personal service interactions, and building an online community presence; taking the time now to evaluate these trends and how they can impact your company is critical. 

Today's leaders must be equipped with the right mindset to embrace change and an eagerness and flexibility to master new ideas. Open-mindedness, creativity, and excitement are essential tools for confidently leading this new era of consumers.


Your guide to personal and professional transformation,

Jenn Maher

Business Coach & Life Force Strategist 

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