Walk the freaking talk!

Mar 17, 2023

That’s right. I said it. WALK THE TALK, PEOPLE! That is what it takes to be successful in all areas of your life. 

With this newfound "faith" I talk about, It' 's not so much that I trust myself…   

It's that I trust my PRACTICE.   

When I do what is best for myself for energy, work, and love consistently, I am making myself extraordinary; and that is where the magic happens. And… I know that I execute my protocols daily and deepen my trust in myself; magic shows up for my clients and me. 

Authentic leadership begins with establishing credibility and consistently doing what you say. This isn't something that happens once; leading requires commitment daily to ensure your people can trust in you as a leader, feeling both inspired and confident following the path ahead. Practicing what you preach. 

This small yet meaningful step is vital to building an unwavering relationship of respect between yourself and those who look up to you!   

I'm filled with determination and possibilities daily. Despite dropping out of high school and college, I made it to where I am today through dedication to my word and taking massive action daily.  

There's still so much left to reach for, but my dreams and goals are always within reach - all that's needed is a little bit of courage mixed with action.  

This faith also comes from the fact that I trust the best version of myself and systematically attach myself to daily through my choices and actions. This version of me is anti-fragile, alchemizes fear and doubt, and, most importantly, has the knowledge and the drive to do what I say I will do. I follow through. Always.  

If I mess up, I am accountable and fix it immediately.  

It really boils down to the integrity of doing what you say you will do and taking action to ensure you have the energy, mindset, and know-how to do just that. 


Your guide to personal and professional transformation, 

Jenn Maher 

Business Coach & Life Force Strategist 


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