I had a pretty good idea of who I was as a child. I was creative, imaginative, and curious, wanting to explore the world and learn new things. I was also a dreamer, and I loved to make up stories and create imaginary worlds. Unfortunately, as I grew older, I found that the world had a different idea of who I should be.
I was taught through osmosis to be practical, to focus on what was realistic, and to avoid dreaming too much. I needed to be better, smarter, more affluent, and prettier for my dreams. I was encouraged to pursue a career in a field that was “safe” and “secure” rather than something that I was passionate about. I was never told I could be anything I wanted to be and could accomplish anything I committed to.
Fast forward 50 years, and I realized I was the only one who could decide who I wanted to be. So I chose to stand and be true to myself, no matter what the world said. Today, I decided to pursue my passions and follow my desires. I choose to be creative, explore, take time to rest, dream of beautiful stories, and make them a reality. I choose to be the person I want to be, not the person the world wants me to be.
Let’s tell our children that it is essential to remember who you are before the world means you are who you should be. Staying true to yourself and never giving up on your dreams is necessary. It is essential to be brave and to make your own decisions, even when the world tells you otherwise. It is vital to know that you are the only one who knows who you are and that you are the only one who can decide who you want to be.
We are born knowing the answer to “Who am I? Then, at some point in life, we learn various ways to cope with everyday reality. But unfortunately, these personas and strategies often become crutches that prevent us from exploring who we are. It took me immense courage - the kind only crisis can bring - before I could look beneath my survival mechanisms and discover all the qualities hidden away: beauty, love, gracefulness, curiosity – along with so many others! Being brave enough o unearth those pieces has been incredibly transformative for me as a Leader, Coach, Mom, Grandma & Wife but more importantly, simply being human!.
Your guide to personal and professional transformation,
Jenn Maher
Business Coach & Life Force Strategist
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