You ZIG, I will ZAG

May 18, 2023

Last year, When I launched my own coaching company. The popular wisdom and marketing gurus said that building an online presence was necessary if I wanted success. But it just didn't feel right - this is not how I achieved success in real estate, and why should it be any different here? Then came the realization; instead of following mainstream trends (zigging), I needed to follow my proven path of success. I have always gone against the grain in building my business, which has paid off (zagging). I am a wayward child at heart, and deciding to follow my intuition was exactly why I wanted to be in business. 

Taking risks can seem daunting, but by daring to diverge from what everyone else is doing, opportunities become available for connecting with people looking for something they resonate with on a deeper level. Heck, be a disruptor and do something radical in your industry! To really set yourself apart, though, requires not just stepping out of your comfort zone but having unwavering confidence and faith in your abilities and intuition. To put it simply, you cannot be afraid of failure. 

I think now is a good time to talk about the epidemic of imposture syndrome. I hear this term tossed around regularly. Imposter syndrome has the power to make even successful people doubt their worth. Feelings of anxiety and insecurity can arise, making it hard for them to accept achievements as valid - they feel like frauds despite accomplishing what many would consider great things. I wonder if this comes from posting the perfect version of our lives on social media and waiting for the world to validate us? Or if it is just plain old human nature. Either way, I know imposture syndrome is real, and I have fallen victim to it. You must be able to move past these types of doubts and negative emotions that can arise when taking risks. 

For me, I tap into the mindset of having no choice but to succeed. I have yearned for the good life since I was a little girl. Although the definition has changed for me quite a bit, the desire to be extraordinary never has.  I agree with Elon Musk, who says, "I think it's possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary."  

From a slightly-below average beginning, I put in the work and eventually reached mediocrity. Then something lit up inside me - why not go for it? So with grit, determination, and an indomitable spirit of never giving up and putting self-care first, my life improved beyond what I could've imagined, helping others along the way to reach their full potential while creating a successful career that gives back as much joy as it receives. This is the good life for sure! 

Swimming against the tide, I'm unfazed by taking the longer route - even if it means sacrificing some prestige or financial gain. But, when you're daring enough to chart your own course, there's no better view than that which awaits at the journey's end! 


Your guide to personal and professional transformation, 

Jenn Maher 

Business Coach, Implementer & Life Force Strategist 

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